Planning Documents
Planning Documents
Planning applications, consent and associated documents relating to the Coire Glas project are available to view on the Highland Council ePlanning Portal, accessible via this link here or by searching reference numbers below.
400kV Cable Tunnel
Proposal to explore the construction of a tunnel to accommodate the installation of 400 kV export/import electricity cables to connect the Coire Glas generating station to the national grid. This will include new access tracks, temporary compounds to be used during construction for welfare, parking, plant, materials storage materials processing, ancillary buildings and spoil storage areas.
Screening Highland Council Ref: 24/04748/SCRE
Scoping Highland Council Ref: 24/04749/SCOP
Screening and Scoping
Figure 1.1 - Search Area for Site Boundary
Figure 1.2 - Search Area for Site Boundary - Aerial
Figure 1.3 - Indicative Site Layout (Above Ground Infrastructure)
400kV Buried Export/Import Electricity Cables
Proposal to explore the installation of 8 km of buried 400 kV export/import electricity cables to connect Coire Glas generating station to the National Grid and associated earthworks.
Highland Council Ref: 24/01459/SCOP
Screening and Scoping
Figure 3.1: Buried Cable Development Zones
Kilfinnan Road Upgrade
Proposed upgrades to accommodate construction of Coire Glas Pumped Storage Hydro Scheme including A82 junction works, temporary access road, new bridge, storage compounds.
Highland Council Ref: 23/05393/FUL
Planning Application
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Non-Technical Summary
EIA 7: Geology Hyrology and Hydrogeology
EIA Technical Appendix and Figures
Chapter 1: Technical Appendices 1.1-1.4
Chapter 2: Technical Figures 2.1
Chapter 3: Technical Figures - Proposed Plans and Drawings 3.1-3.2
Chapter 3: Technical Figures - Proposed Plans and Drawings 3.3-3.4
Chapter 4: Technical appendices 4.1
Chapter 5: Technical Appendix 5.2-5.3
Chapter 5: Technical Figures 5.1-5.17
Chapter 6: Technical appendices 6.1
Chapter 6: Technical Figures 6.1-6.3
Chapter 7: Technical Figures 7.1-7.7
Chapter 8: Technical Appendices 8.1-8.2
Chapter 8: Technical Figures 8.1-8.5
Chapter 9: Technical Appendices 9.1
Kilfinnan Road Public Information Day
Highland Council ref no. 22/05277/SCOP
Landscape and Visual Constraints Plan
Highland Council ref no. 22/02648/SCRE
Revised Coire Glas Pumped Storage Scheme
Highland Council ref no. 18/01564/S36
Figure 1: Upperworks Access Layout
Figure 2: A87 Junction Design Detail
Figure 3: A87 Junction Design Visibility Splay
Figure 4: River Garry Bridge General Arrangement
Figure 5: Woodland Designations
Figure 7: Protected Species Survey Results 2023
EIAR Appendices
Guidance on the Assessments of Mineral Dust Impacts
Outline of Noise and Vibration Management Plan
Bulk Noise Measurement Data and Central Tendancy Tables
Schedule of Watercourse Crossings
Hydromorphology Coire Glas and Kilfinnan Burn
Hydromorphology Interim Report
Borrow Pit Screening Assessment
Peat Landslide Hazard Risk Assessment
Fish Habitat and Population Surveys
Arctic Charr Habitat Survey Report
Allt a Choire Ghlais Freshwater Invertebrate Survey
Loch a Choire Ghlais Freshwater Invertebrate Survey
Ornithology Technical Appendix
Terrestrial Ecology Assessment Methodology
Transport Scenario for Spoil Extraction
Transport Scenario for Spoil Extraction (Revised)
Supplementary Guidance - Physical Constraints
EIAR Chapters
1: Introduction and Background
2: Consideration of Alternatives
4: EIA Approach, Scoping and Consultation
EIAR Figures
Figure 2.1: Access Track Alignment Options
Figure 3.2: Indicative Layout of Lower Reservoir Works
Figure 3.3: Indicative Layout of Dam
Figure 3.4a: A82 Detailed Viewpoint Position
Figure 3.4b and 3.4c: A82 Viewpoint
Figure 3.4d and 3.4e: A82 Viewpoint
Figure 3.5a: Ben Tee Detailed Viewpoint Position
Figure 3.5b and 3.5c: Ben Tee Viewpoint
Figure 3.5d and 3.5c: Ben Tee Viewpoint
Figure 3.6a: Kilfinnan Burn Detailed Viewpoint Position
Figure 3.6b and 3.6c: Kilfinnan Burn Viewpoint
Figure 3.6d and 3.6e: Kilfinnan Burn Viewpoint
Figure 3.7a: Aberchalder Detailed Viewpoint Position
Figure 3.7b and 3.7c: Aberchalder Viewpoint
Figure 3.7d and 3.7e: Aberchalder Viewpoint
Figure 8.2: Landscape Designations
Figure 8.3: Landscape Character
Figure 10.1: Sites Designated for Nature Conservation
Figure 10.2a: Phase 1 Habitat Survey Ben Tee
Figure 10.2a: Phase 1 Habitat Survey Coire Glas
Figure 10.2a: Phase 1 Habitat Survey Glengarry
Figure 10.2a: Phase 1 Habitat Survey Kilfinnan
Figure 10.2a: Phase 1 Habitat Survey North Laggan
Figure 10.2a: Phase 1 Habitat Survey South Laggan
Figure 10.3a: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3b: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3c: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3d: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3e: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3f: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3g: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3h: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3i: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3j: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3k: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.3l: NVC Survey Results
Figure 10.4a: Priority and Sensitive Habitats Glengarry
Figure 10.4b: Priority and Sensitive Habitats Ben Tee
Figure 10.4c: Priority and Sensitive Habitats Coire Glas
Figure 10.4d: Priority and Sensitive Habitats South Laggan
Figure 10.4e: Priority and Sensitive Habitats Kilfinnan
Figure 10.4f: Priority and Sensitive Habitats North Laggan
Figure 10.5c: GWDTE Coire Glas
Figure 10.5d: GWDTE South Laggan
Figure 10.5f: GWDTE North Laggan
Figure 14.3: Superficial Geology
Figure 14.5: Regional Hydrogeology
Figure 14.6: Ground Water Vulnerability
Figure 15.1: Cultural Heritage
Figure 17.1: Noise Sensitivity Receptors
Figure 18.1: Dust Emission Sources and Receptors
Figure 19.1: Land Use and Recreation
Non-Technical Summary